Generally when a new medicine is invented scientist extensively test it to make sure the product is safe for human. And it is believed that this is very complex and critical process. And some times animals are used in this process to make sure products are fit for the exact purpose. However using animals for medical tests has advantages and disadvantages for humans as well as for animals.
There are advantages of using animals to test the medicines. Because it is known that some human and animal organs are worked in similar manner. Therefore side effects and actual results of medicines can be reviled before applying for humans.
However there are advantages of using animals to medical tests. Firstly some important species can be irradiated from the earth because of uncontrolled use. And it will significantly affect the biodiversity of our planet. Secondly it is unethical to use animals for testing as all animal rights representatives are emphasizing. And some times it is possible to behave animal body different than human. Then developed medicine will not give expected results. Hence there is some risk factor of using animals for medical tests. And also there is possibility of introducing new deceases to humans. For and example it is believed that AIDS which is common among monkeys, is transferred to humans from animals.
Finally we can conclude that even there are serious disadvantages of using animals for medical tests they cannot out weight the advantages. And it is clear that the process of using animals has to be well defined and planned.
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